Saturday, March 21, 2015

Mithipavakai Poriyal - Marble Bitter Gourd

Ingredients: 500 gms of Pavakai (Marble Bitter Gourd) (small round ones, do not chop), 2 small country Tomoatoes, 1 spoon red Chillie powder, 1 spoon Turmeric powder, 3 spoons Sesame oil

Add oil to a pan, add half of the chopped onions, add three quarters of the bitter gourd, add the chillie and turmeric powder stir it well, add half a cup of water, cook for 10 minutes on a medium flame. Once the vegetable is softened add the chopped tomato and remaining bitter gourd and onions, cook for another five minutes, salt to taste. It's a very crunchy dish with lot of health benefits.

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